Free WHS Systems Benchmarking Tool – QLD
Workplace Health and Safety Queensland have recently introduced a free online self-assessment tool to enable you to assess whether you have an effective, systematic approach to managing the areas of:
1. work health and safety
2. worker health and wellbeing
3. workers’ compensation and return to work.
Click here to access the WHSQ Organisational Systems and Benchmarking Tool
According to Joanne Stevenson and Shae McCartney from Clayton Utz, it is important to note that it is imperative that these tools are used by those authorised persons who have a comprehensive knowledge of an organisation’s safety management system to ensure the results are accurate. Persons undertaking the assessments are doing so as a representative of the organisation and should have the appropriate authority to do so.
While the reports are not published by the regulator, as is the case with WHSQ, they may still need to be disclosed, for example, to a regulator as part of a workplace investigation or potential prosecution for breach of health and safety obligations, which is why again it is important that such reports accurately reflect the status of an organisation’s safety management system. Click here to read more of this article.
WHSQ states that their Organisational Systems and benchmarking tool will take between 20–30 minutes when assessing all three systems, depending on how many ‘to consider’ examples are viewed when rating the statements and you can revisit the tool and use a secure confidential login to add future initiatives you have implemented and reassess progress.
If you would rather an independent Audit of your current workplace health and safety management system with a full confidential report and recommendations, contact Human Resource Services Pty Ltd now for an obligation free quote to understand your risks and how to manage them.
Cheryl Koppman
News and ArticlesOct 2nd, 20150 comments
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